
Aug 13, 2011

people changed . and i hate the changes -,-

kau dah berubah kan ? you're not just the same . and yeah , i miss the old you :'< kau dah sombong . ye laa , dah ramai kawan kan . mestilaa lupa kawan lamaaa kan ? hmmm .

and yeahh , people nowadays have changed a lot . they all sucked . tak tauu la apa nak jadi dengan zaman sekarang kan ? facebooks bores me to death you know ? home page aku penoh dengan budak hotstuff je . menyampah aku baca :p rasa nak muntah . everything is all exaggeration . sampai sakit mata aku baca news feed aku . baik aku blogging je . lagi best . kthanksbai

if you hate drama . don't start it =='

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